Monday, March 26, 2012

Google market

It's been a long time since I last blog from a phone. The truth is I haven't got any application which are secured as I wish, so that I can blog with ease without going though third party.

I had been bragging about Google for not including blogger in their market. And I'm truly puzzle when I saw an apple iPhone have an official blogger application from Google. seriously, why not Android?

and today I realize that is not Google fault. The fact is the application is there on the market, just that the poor Malaysia market has some restriction that not all the application well be available here.

Today I rooted my phone and include market un locker to have a look what Android market have in the US. And there you go I'm blogging from my phone. Thanks Google! And sorry I misunderstand you

Saturday, March 17, 2012

oh hi new "iPad"

Alright, I think i might be slow or just not interested in blogging in with Apple's latest gadget. To be honest, I think Apple had been feeling too proud on their operating system and design until they don't bother to give any significant changes in the latest iPad.

First and for most, the changes! The screen had ported from the famous iPhone's retina display.* This is what we want from the iPad2 but ahh well... at least is here. And a quad core display combine with the dual core processor. You heard me, is still the same old dual core. Hopefully they can perform well. A massive massive huge battery 11,666mAh battery. And also LTE capability if you are look at the 3G/LTE model. And a slight increase in the weight.

Firstly the design, its completely the same! so there is absolutely no noticeable different compared with the older sibling, iPad2. The price had not change, so this is one of the good things that everyone hope for. And the name, seriously the new iPad is just call iPad? You know how confusing and hard is it? Try and search on the google for "iPad" most likely you will get the 1st generation iPad. And when you are bragging with others that your holding your iPad.


A : Hey is that an iPad2?
B : No is just an iPad.
A : huh? iPad? I thought it is not that slim no?
B : This is the new iPad.
A : Not an iPad3? or iPad2s?
B : Nope just an iPad.
A : *poker face*

Thats all folks.. Whether you like it or hate it, it is out now. To buy or not to buy, your take?

Saturday, March 10, 2012


YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME!!! is such a hard statement. Understanding someone is actually very very hard unless you had been to the same situation before in sometime of your life.

People doesn't understand people by looking at others situation. Yes, it is actually really really hard to understand what one is going through. The most you can do is to guess their next step, try to be by their side when they need your touch/ hand.

I wonder how good will the world be if you find someone that truly understand you, know what you want, understand your need, the urge of buying things, the addiction the lust whatsoever...

Well it would be cool thing to be, and yet so creepy. ahhh the dilemma inside of me.