There is so many thing going through my mind right now. About my work, my free time and what I'm going to do in future.
It all happen when I know my manager (now ex) resigned because she want to become a full time care taker for her children. I know it will have a big impact to the business/ company, I had my mind prepared for the new manager. But it seems like a nightmare since she came.
No doubt she is very professional because of all the experience she had the network she have, but I'm not sure whether is my mind having the "refuse to change" symptoms or I just don't agree about her management style. All she said was for our own good, you won't appreciate me now but you will appreciate me in 6 month down the road. Hey man, you came here for 2 days and you expect me to believe that?
And my Company culture is like evolving from bad to worst. Everyone in the Company is no longer that harmony, freedom is lacking. People are getting cruel, back stabbing each other. Fighting for sales, making report to get favouritism. Hey the company is not multi million dollar company, what can you get!? Geez.. what happen to the teamwork environment?
I felt so stress to work in this environment, not knowing what will happen to me everyday. Have to focus on my job now><!