Well, well seems like google is now getting into the social networking wars, the google plus / Google+.
Many people think it just like another facebook, to save the introduction steps. It does work like facebook, uploading your status updates, sharing photo.
But one thing google did do is to set up circles. You can have your status or photo only made available to certain group of people. For instant you post something about your family and only wants your family members to view it. So you can click on to share only on the "family" circles.
From my point of view, it is quite neat for google to come out such simple social network. But hey! how complicated do you want your social network to be? Google just announce Google + apps on iPhone and long available on Android devices.
Thats my first impression toward google +, let see what can I do in google + that I can't do in facebook. Oh ya! Google + is now not open to public yet, so if you want any invitation just message me and I will invite you. Till then happy googling!
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