Is been quite sometimes since I first started to post something in this blog. At first I want to post something more like a personal site, writing what makes me think best, what makes me feel should be done. Things like human behavior, personal experience but nothing about personal life. However things turn out to be quite different nowadays. People actually visit more technology blog. My visit per day increases as I posted thing about gadget.
So what is this blog all about now? Technology? Personal experience? I doubt. But one thing for sure I love to check out new gadget. I get excited over the new iOS5 and of course the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. I love using my Mac + iPad + Nexus S. Everything around me is fill with technology.
Being inside the technology whirlpool is tough. Keeping up with new gadget launching, having to live with an older version when you know that the new one is much more faster. Holding on to your wallet. The waiting games etc. etc. No doubt I spend most of my time thinking about how good and how cool I will be if I get my hands on one of those gadget. Indeed I'm turning into a tech geek of my family. Updating friend and family on whats coming up.
But after awhile, when I stop myself and looked back on my achievement. I see nothing, just pile of outdated gadget boxes. Wanting to change new phone every now and then hurts me most. Looking back how much had I spend on all these "liabilities". If I didn't changed so many of them I would be laughing all the way to my bank. But what seen cannot be unseen, what done cannot be undone.
I hope I can keep my head up. Having the ability to check out new gadget but yet control myself to buy the latest. Hopefully my phone can last me 1 1/2 Years before i fork out money for it again. And to all you peeps, use your money wisely or you will in deep shit. Save it for rainy days :)
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